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Through trauma-informed, intensive casework we identify the needs of young people, advocate for their interests within the care and asylum system, and connect young people with the services, opportunities and support they need to reach their goals. We support young people dealing with a problem or who are in crisis – be that an issue with housing or homelessness; an issue with social services; a young person suffering from mental health problems and struggling to access mainstream services; a young person seeking family reunification; a young person involved in the criminal justice system; or a young person who has been age disputed.

We have very limited capacity to offer this service, so only accept self-referrals from young asylum-seekers and refugees (ages 16-25 years old) who are already accessing our youth project, such as by attending Injera Club. If you are seeking help for someone you support, please consider enquiring with other organisations (we can point you in the right direction if you contact us). Thanks.

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