Making new connections has helped me combat the stress and loneliness
Defne + Young Person
"Being part of Youth Club helped me feel at home, make friends, and grow in confidence."
I am a regular attendee of the Youth Club and am very sociable and supportive of my peers.
Since joining Da’aro Youth Project, I feel my communication skills have improved. I am now
confident in introducing myself to new people and initiating conversations with newcomers
as Injera Club grows. Being friends with people of a similar background who speak the same
language has been very helpful in combating social isolation, making me feel like I am back
in my home country. I am also keen on meeting new people from different backgrounds, as I
love learning about the different cultures of the attendees from other countries.
Making new connections has helped me combat the stress and loneliness I felt when I first
arrived in the UK, and crucially, this has helped me value life more as I feel part of a new
I take part in activities with Da’aro Youth Project, and through keeping busy, I have felt my
mental health improve. I have enjoyed playing football, basketball, and taking the lead on
drama workshops organised by Da’aro staff members and partner organisation Phosphoros
Theatre Company.
Da’aro Youth Project staff have helped me with my career goals as a refugee with the right to
work. I have faced barriers to accessing work, but Da’aro staff have helped me improve my
CV and prepare for job interviews. I have been referred to partner organisations and was
able to start my first hospitality job in the UK in April.
Da’aro Youth Project staff are also helping me facilitate workshops and performances at
Youth Club to support my personal development. I am looking forward to hosting a series of
workshops at Youth Club teaching my peers circus skills.